Winter Air Conditioning Advice
As winter sweeps in and daylight hours decrease, our time indoors increases, as do our energy bills. To ensure you’re utilising your air conditioner effectively during the chilly season and managing those climbing costs, continue reading.
In this climate of escalating electricity costs, the conversation frequently turns to how we can balance a snug home with minimising expenditure. In this post from PSB Air Conditioning, we’ll discuss six key strategies to heat your home efficiently and curb power consumption.
Optimise Your Timer Function
An air conditioner is a great aid in securing a restful night’s sleep, but it can unnecessarily consume energy if left on for extended periods. By taking advantage of smart wifi enabled air conditioning controls and scheduling functions, you can curtail costs without compromising on comfort.
Determine the Optimum Temperature
One prime strategy to minimise your power bill is by adjusting your air conditioner to the ideal temperature. In Australia, it’s recommended to set your air conditioner to 24 degrees for summer cooling and 17 degrees for winter heating. This balance ensures comfort without the unwelcome surprise of a hefty quarterly bill.
Limit the Space You Need to Heat
Making your home more energy efficient can be as simple as reducing the area that your air conditioner needs to heat. To save energy, ensure your air conditioner isn’t exerting unnecessary effort. Heat only the rooms you’re occupying and close doors and windows to prevent the loss of warm air.
Maintain and Clean Your Air Conditioner
Failure to regularly remove dust and debris from your air conditioner can make it less efficient and can even pose health risks. These particles accumulate and can obstruct filters, hampering your AC unit’s effectiveness. For optimal results, we advise monthly filter cleaning and routine maintenance, especially if your air conditioner is frequently in use. Should your Air Conditioning unit in winter require some attention, don’t hesitate to book a service.
Invest in Home Insulation and Sealing
Homes with poor sealing and insulation can leak heat during winter and cool air in summer, contributing to your energy bills. Evaluating your home’s sealing and insulation can enhance the lifespan of your air conditioner and contribute to financial savings.
Consider Ducted Air Conditioning
For those with larger homes needing to heat more than three rooms, ducted air conditioning is frequently the most energy-efficient choice. PSB Air Conditioning’s ducted systems feature additional capabilities such as zoning or optional smart controls, which avoid wasting energy by not cooling vacant rooms.
Choose PSB Air Conditioning
When winter arrives, PSB Air Conditioning ensures you’re not left out in the cold. We offer a variety of high-quality, energy-efficient ducted units. Our expert team can guide you towards the best system for installation your specific space and requirements.
Keep in mind, it’s not always the least expensive option that proves the most cost-effective over time. Consider the ongoing costs, such as energy use and maintenance, associated with running an air conditioning system. Make an informed decision that will serve you best in the long run.